
14th of June 2015

Day of arrival and registration of participants.
20.30-21.30 Evening discussion club. Session №1. Analysis of the problems of

creation highly effective recipes of feed


15th of June 2015





Completing the registration of participants of the session.

11.00-12.00 Exhibition of scientific journals “Grain products and feed»,

«Food science and technology»,

«Automation of technological and business processes»,

«The economic and food security of Ukraine»,

«Economy of Food Industry».

12.00-13.15  Presentation of the book “Technology of animal feed production»,

“Quality and safety of products in the industry (feed technology)”

and other technical literature.

13.15-14.45 Lunch
14.45-16.15 Round table. Problems of training of highly qualified personnel to determine the safety, quality and calculations feed recipes,

member of NAAS Ukraine, Prof. Bogdan IEGOROV (Head of Department of Technology animal feed and biofuels,

Rector of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, UA).

16.15-16.45  Coffee-break
16.45-17.30 Information on the activities of the Association “Ukrainian Union of Feed Manufactures” and “Club of Young Scientists ONAFT”

member of  NAAS Ukraine, Prof. Bogdan IEGOROV (Head of Department of Technology animal feed and biofuels,

Rector of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, UA).

Associate Professor, PhD Natalia Povarova (Director of the Research Institute of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies,

President “Club of Young Scientists ONAFT, UA)

19.00-20.00  Supper
20.00-22.00  Evening discussion club. Meeting №2

Improvement of the International School of Feed.


16th of June 2015


08.00-08.45 Breakfast
08.45-09.00 The opening ceremony of the Second Session of the International School of Feed

Scientific Council.

09.00-09.45 An analysis of global trends in the realm of animal feed, enhancing their productive activities and economic efficiency

member of NAAS Ukraine, Prof. Bogdan IEGOROV (Head of Department of Technology animal feed and biofuels,

Rector of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, UA).

09.45-10.30 The development of physical and chemical bases and improvement of

laboratory equipment to determine the safety and

chemical composition of the feed, Alexander PLEVE

 (Director of SockTrade, Sweden, Ukraine. SE, UA).

10.30-11.00 Coffee-break
11.00-11.45 Mycotoxins. The relevance and an overview of methods for the determination,

Dmitry MELNICHUK (company «Biola», Ukraine,

distributor of «R-Biopharm AG» and the official

Representatives of the company «FormMed Healthcare AG» and

«TAVARLIN AG», Germany. UA, DE).

11.45-12.30 Master Class. Determination of physical and chemical composition and

toxicity of feed and feed raw materials (devices of Company SocTrade, Sweden, Ukraine. SE, UA, and test systems company Biola. UA).

12.30-13.15 Master Class. Determination of physical and chemical composition and

toxicity of feed and feed raw materials (devices of Company SocTrade, Sweden, Ukraine. SE, UA, and test systems company Biola. UA).

13.15-14.45 Lunch
14.45-15.30 Biological bases and specific features of physiology

feeding livestock and poultry, Part 1,

Doctor, Professor Peter SURAI (professor of food biochemistry

Agricultural University of Godollo, Hungary;

Professor of evolutionary biology and ecology University Glasgow, GB).

15.30-16.15 Biological bases and specific features of physiology

feeding livestock and poultry, Part 2,

Doctor, Professor Peter SURAI (professor of food biochemistry,

Agricultural University of Godollo, Hungary;

Professor of evolutionary biology and ecology, University Glasgow, GB).

16.15-16.45 Coffee-break
16.45-17.30 Problems of determining the safety and quality of feed

raw materials and animal feed, Natalya GRUNWALD (Director group

“State certification and examination of agricultural products “).

17.30-18.15 Prospects for the introduction of the standard GMP + (food safety system manufacturers and feed ingredients) and their role in enhancing the competitiveness of the producers of feed, feed ingredients, trading and logistics companies.

Gregory MAZUR (Group CEO MNC Group. UA).

19.00-20.00 Supper
20.00-22.00 Evening discussion club. Meeting №3. Problems in introduction of

modern standards and improving the legislative framework for

the feed production and  utilization.


17th of June 2015


08.00-09.00 Breakfast
09.00-09.45 Fatty components in feed for poultry and animals,

Member of NAAS of Ukraine, Professor Anatoly

LEVITSKY (Chairman of the Scientific-Production Association “Odessa biotechnology». UA).

09.45-10.30 Probiotics as components in feed.

Member of NAAS of Ukraine, Professor Anatoly LEVITSKY

(Chairman of the Scientific-Production Association

“Odessa biotechnology». UA).

10.30-11.00  Coffee-break
11.00-11.45  New approaches to creating highly effective recipes of feed,

Dr. Ivan PANIN (General Director of «Kormoresurs», RU).

11.45-12.30  Practice №1. Adjustment parameters of

components quality for the calculation of feed recipes,

Dr. Basiliy GRECHISHNIKOV (Lead Programmer

LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

12.30-13.15  Practice №2. Working with data base

calculation program for recipes of mixed feed,


LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

13.15-14.45 Lunch
14.45-15.30 Micronutrients in poultry and animals feeding

Professor Peter SURAI (professor

Biochemistry Food Agricultural University

Godollo, Hungary; professor of evolutionary biology and

Ecology of the University of Glasgow, GB.) 

15.30-16.15 Correction of nutritional recipes and quality of feed

poultry products and livestock with the help of

micronutrients, Dr., Prof. Peter SURAI (professor

Biochemistry Food Agricultural University

Godollo, Hungary; professor of evolutionary biology and

Ecology of the University of Glasgow, GB.)

16.15-16.45 Coffee-break
16.45-17.30 Practice №3. Fundamentals of calculating recipes

animal feed using “KormOptima”. Dr. Vasiliy GRECHISHNIKOV

(Lead Programmer LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

17.30-18.15  Practice №4. Fundamentals of calculating recipes

animal feed using “KormOptima”, Dr. Vasiliy GRECHISHNIKOV

(Lead Programmer LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

19.00-20.00 Supper

18th of June 2015


08.00-09.00  Breakfast
09.00-09.45  Improving the efficiency of feed recipes

by using the enzymes

Dr. Fedor MARCHENKOV (deputy. Director for Science

of Ltd “Biokontakt”, private enterprise “Kronos-Agro», UA).

09.45-10.30 The art of creating highly effective recipes of animal feed

Dr. Ivan PANIN (General Director of “Kormoresurs», RU).

10.30-11.00 Coffee-break
11.00-11.45  Practice №5. The calculation of the optimal recipes

animal feed using “KormOptima”, Dr. Vasiliy GRECHISHNIKOV

(Lead Programmer LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

11.45-12.30 Practice №6. The calculation of the optimal recipes of

animal feed using “KormOptima”

Dr. Vasiliy GRECHISHNIKOV (Lead Programmer

LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

12.30-13.15  Practice №7. The calculation of the optimal recipes

animal feed using “KormOptima”,  Dr. Vasiiyl GRECHISHNIKOV

 (Lead ProgrammerLLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

13.15-14.45 Lunch
14.45-15.30  The requirements of the European Union to the biological preparations

active substances and feed additives, Ph.D. Jovanka LEVIC

(head of the research center «Feed-to Food Research

Center »of the Institute of Food Technology, Novi Sad,


Requirements for registration of feed additives in Ukraine

  Dr. Yuriy KOSENKO (Deputy derector of State

 Research Control Institute of veterinary drugs and feed additives. UA).

15.30-16.15  Arts of optimizing recipes of feed. Dr. Ivan PANIN (General

Director of “Kormoresurs», RU).

16.15-16.45 Coffee-break
16.45-17.30  Practice №8. The calculation of the optimal recipes

 animal feed using “KormOptima” Dr. Vasil GRECHISHNIKOV

(Lead Programmer LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

17.30-18.15  Practice №9. The calculation of the optimal recipes

animal feed using “KormOptima” Dr. Vasil GRECHISHNIKOV

(Lead Programmer LLC “Kormoresurs», RU).

19.00-20.00 Supper
20.00-22.00  Evening discussion club. The meeting №4. Ways to improve the

feed efficience.

Friday 19th of June 2015


08.00-09.00  Breakfast
09.45-10.30 The individual practical exercises. Features of the calculation

mixed feed recipes using “KormOptima.”

10.30-11.00  Coffee-break
11.00-11.45 The individual practical exercises. Features of the calculation

mixed feed recipes using “KormOptima.”

11.45-12.30 The individual practical exercises. Features of the calculation

mixed feed recipes using “KormOptima.”

12.30-13.15 The individual practical exercises. Features of the calculation

mixed feed recipes using “KormOptima.”

13.15-14.45 Lunch
15.00-18.30 The practical exam. The Scientific Council of International

School of Feed (ISF).

19.30-23.30 Ceremonial presentation of certificates to participants successfully

passed the practical exam. The Scientific Council

International School of Feed (ISF).

The closing ceremony of the Second session of the International School of feed.

Gala dinner. A festive show at the seashore.

Saturday 20th of June 2015


08.00-09.00  Breakfast
09.30-11.00  Summarizing the work of the Second Session of the International School


11.00-14.00  Visit the Wine Cultural Wine Center “Shabo”

Testing wine products (for up to 18 registered June).

14.00-15.00  Lunch
15.00-16.00  Round table. Prospects of development of the animal feed


19.00-20.00  Supper
Sunday 21th of June 2015 Breakfast. Departure of members.